Beauty Supplies

No salon could function without the essential beauty supplies. It is these small, everyday appliances and sundries that help the beauty professionals do their jobs. Salon owners know all too well that they must constantly order supplies like towels, clips, and other essentials because they get misplaced or are lost.

The list of beauty supplies that your salon requires is extensive. Stylists need a variety of brushes and combs, from round brushes to rat-tail combs, to work with varying types of hair. In addition, hair stylists require capes and towels for their clients to help protect their skin and clothing from the liquids and chemicals, as well as aprons for themselves. These capes and aprons must be kept in top condition because a single tear could mean that a client's new cashmere sweater is ruined. Hair stylists also need a selection of hot rollers, bobby pins, hair extensions, eyelash extensions, false eyelashes, hair ties, and other supplies to fulfill their clients' wishes.

Do not forget about the durable pieces of beauty equipment, such as shears, hair dryers, hair straighteners, curling irons, eyelash curlers, and other items. Although salon owners or stylists may need to order these less often, they receive heavy use and wear out over time. Some savvy stylists prefer to keep backups of their favorite items on hand, so they never need to be without their favorite flat irons or hair dryers.

If your salon offers other services, such as waxing, facials, massage, makeup, or permanent makeup, your beauty supply list will be more extensive. Estheticians need face creams, sponges, towels, creams, waxes, and waxing strips. Massage therapists require oils, massage stones, and other items. Makeup artists have their own beauty product needs, such as brushes, creams, makeup, tweezers, and bronzers. The inventory that these professionals must have on hand is extensive, and running out of an item can spell disaster.

Whether you are a stylist or a salon owner, finding a reliable, quality beauty supply wholesaler is essential for containing the cost of your business. Not all beauty wholesalers are created equal, however. Choose a wholesaler with a wide variety of supplies for reasonable prices.

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